🔎Security Audits

IguanaDEX is a 'perfect' fork of PancakeSwap. See Security Audits from PancakeSwap directly.

PancakeSwap history

The smart contracts powering IguanaDEX were created by the PancakeSwap team, mainly replicating the work of the Uniswap team for versions 2 and 3 of their flagship AMM Spot DEX.

The current PancakeSwap app contains 3 decentralized exchange versions.

  • v2: this is a perfect fork of Uniswap v2

  • v3: Uniswap v3's business license expired mid-2023 and PancakeSwap took the opportunity to upgrade their app by deploying a slightly tweaked version of the Uniswap v3 contracts

  • v4: this version is not available on IguanaDEX and there are currently no plans to make this available in the future.

You can find the audits pertaining to those contracts here:

  • v2: The Uniswap v2 audit itself is relevant here as PancakeSwap did not introduce any changes

  • v3: Note that IguanaDEX does not use MasterChefV3/LmPool so Phase 2 of SlowMist's audit is not relevant here

Last updated